Sunday, January 29, 2006

FRIDAY, January 13, 2006 - Weekend!!

In the UAE and in general in this part of the world, the weekend is on Friday. Businesses usually close Thursday afternoon and all day Friday. But, as in the US - retail is another story. The shops are open and this is good for us cause we need to buy a houseful of stuff. While we were in a shopping center, the "call to prayer," a somewhat mournful singing/cry came over the loudspeaker. We looked around and decided that it wasn't very effective because no one seemed to be praying. Rugs for the kids - big, shaggy, hip colors, towels for the bath, canisters for the kitchen and LAWN furniture!! The weather is very nice this time of year, and since the house is empty - we want to have a table and chairs in the yard next Friday to enjoy it while we can. It'll soon be too hot to even LOOK outside.

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