Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Partial Eclipse

A partial eclipse of the sun was visible today in our part of the world. 7Days, my favorite newspaper these days (they hooked me with the Divorced in Sleep story) warns to protect your eyes while trying to see the eclipse. Their advice - don't look at it through a beer bottle. Ahhhhh, beer bottles - it's been so long since I've actually SEEN one...


Anonymous said...

Seeing an eclipse is supposed to be "better than sex."

"I remember this one German woman—afterwards, she was saying 'It's better than sex! It's better than sex!'"


On one of [tour organizer] Mayhugh's past trips, a doctor in the group delivered an impromptu lecture to the rest of the tour party on the body's natural response to an eclipse. The doctor claimed that as the sky goes dark, our excited endocrine systems start pumping out some of the same hormones it otherwise reserves for sex.

Jeez, these guys need to get out more.

Anonymous said...

Ciao cara!
I also saw the eclipse - very partial here in Paris, and hard to see, because the sun was getting in and out of the clouds. Anyway, to give you an idea of how annoying are french physicist, I was the only one looking at the sun all the time through a piece of foil, while all the people around were not looking and saying things like "C'est trop predictable pour etre interessant", or "On connait deja' tout grace a la mechanique newtonienne".
Bleeeeear, I wish I was already in Dubai, with no pompous and boring people around...
Tanti baci!

Paris Lights said...

I'd love to see an eclipse one day, though I think going to Majorca when the N France / England one happened means that I'll probably never see one.
Hope you're not missing Paris too much, check out my blog for a story to make you feel happy you're not here!