Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Ladies of Hanoi

I only have one picture so far, but I will get more. It seems that these women are the recycling and/or retail distribution force in Hanoi. You can see them everywhere in the residential and downtown areas of the city with their plastic or paper treasures strapped to the bicycles in various ways.
This lady seems to be collecting paper and cardboard. When we moved into the house, some lady got rich off of the cardboard boxes and packing paper she collected in front of our house. When I saw a shop keeper fling 2 large plastic bags into the street, I thought, how could he litter right in front of his shop. Not 2 minutes later, a lady like the one pictured above came by and collected those 2 bags. What seems to be a careless disregard for cleanliness, is actually sorting out the recycling - Hanoi style.

The other activity predominant among the ladies on the bicycles is retail. They meander through the neighborhoods calling out to residents. Potatoes, brooms, feather dusters, flowers, wicker baskets all sorts of things. Here is a photo from a museum, but it gives you an idea how much stuff can be transported by the bicycle vendors.

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