It's like a mantra, and a little like the famous line "The Martians are coming!" So it's a mixture of hyptonic repetition and horror. So to go along with this duality, they (who are "they"?) have invented a little symbol and have put it all over Dubai. These little yellow statues can now be seen all over Dubai. So you have the mantra-like repetition - and for the horror, well, just look at the picture...
You may have read about Camel Dan - the nice, artified statue that the boys and I pass everyday on the way to school. Well, Camel Dan was just hangin', minding his own business, and one day, we see he has a new "friend." The kids and I named him Sunshine Man. Then I found out his REAL name is "Modesh" which is Arabic for "Amazing". Thanks to Wikipedia for the pic. I also found another blogspot blog on Dubai with a little snippet on old Modo.
Besides the temperatures, those of you who are mildly interested in my daily life are probably wondering, was'up?

Cool thing about birthdays is that since the population is so international, they sing Happy Birthday in at least 3 different languages at every birthday party, French, English and Arabic. We added Tagalog, thanks to Helen, our nanny.

Another thing that happened during May is that we got over some moving hurdles that seem to be impossible to hurdle sometimes - like emptying out the 8 boxes of books we brought from France. The kids made a fort out of the empties and I was very impressed. Aren't you?
Happy Birthday to my MOM today. She looks a LOT younger than she is and is having a blast with her recent retirement - AREN'T you MOM???